Last update: 04/04/2023


Equipos Space Quest Ass. Design Ass. premium Design Email Hosting Otros Pyme Legal Server Simply SSL Total products Total points
Endurance 1 53 8 31 47 0 1 0 0 4 145 3330
Galaxy Seekers 10 46 14 27 47 1 1 14 0 2 162 3285
Quimbombones 3 18 5 35 32 1 0 17 2 3 116 2820
Enxaneta 20 10 10 10 35 0 1 10 0 10 106 2290
Nostromo 1 21 3 37 18 0 0 0 0 2 82 1966
Armageddon 1 7 5 26 21 0 0 0 0 3 63 1605
Rocket Team 4 17 2 31 32 2 0 0 0 3 91 1545
2theMoon 3 3 7 18 22 0 1 9 11 2 76 1455
Cajón Desastre 0 6 1 44 15 0 0 0 2 2 70 921


Booster Date Description Puntuation Winner
Hosting Booster 09/03/2023 [ESP] Todos las ventas de hosting realizadas hoy, puntuarán doble (x50 puntos) | [FR] Toutes les ventes d'hébergement réalisées aujourd'hui marqueront le double (x50 points) Hosting - 50 points Nostromo 2hosts | Enxaneta 1host | Galaxy Seekers 2hosts | 2themoon 1host | Endurance 4hosts | Rocket Team 1host | Armageddon 2hosts | Quimbombones 2hosts
Email Booster 15/03/2023 [ESP] El equipo que venda más emails el día de hoy, ganará 500 puntos. El 2o equipo que venda más emails, 400 puntos | [FR] L'équipe qui vendra le plus d'emails gagnera 500 points. La deuxième équipe qui vendra le plus d'e-mails gagnera 400 points. 1rst +500 points | 2th +400 points Quimbombones 500 ponts | Nostromo 400 points | Armageddon 400 points
Convention Booster 22/03/2023 Various Points Mejor grupo +500 | Cada insignia diferente +10 | Cada persona disfrazada +10 | Bandera +10 | Puntuación obtenida en diana Nostromo +110 | Enxaneta +60 | Galaxy Seekers +120 | 2themoon +25 | Endurance +210 | Rocket Team +30 | Cajón desastre +80 | Armaggedon +65 | Quimbombones +110 |
Dartboard Booster 29/03/2023 Each order entry allows you to shoot 1 time at the dartboard. The orders of AMEN, allow shooting 2 times at the dartboard. Puntuación obtenida en diana Nostromo +80 | Enxaneta +20 | Galaxy Seekers +0 | 2theMoon +85 | Endurande +60 | Rocket Team +40 | Cajón Desastre +40 | Armageddon +0 | Quimbombones +175
Last Day Booster 31/03/2023 Points for spinning the wheel | Sales race and non-domain product renewals 1st position sale and renewal of non-domain products: +300 points | 2nd position: +200 points | 3rd position: +100 points | Different prizes in roulette Endurance +340 | Quimbombones +185 | Nostromo +171 | Galaxy Seekers +75 | Enxaneta +10 | Cajón Desastre +6 | Armageddon +5 | Rocket Team +0 | 2theMoon +0



Ass. premium Ass. Design Design Email Hosting Others Pyme Legal Server Simply SSL
15 15 50 5 25 10 10 10 10 20
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